Sports Mouthguards


Got game? Only if your teeth are protected

Sports mouthguards put more bite into injury prevention!

Research shows that orofacial injury in sports is prevalent but preventable. Dental hygienists support the use of sports mouthguards to prevent teeth, mouth and jaw injuries in all sports at all levels.

Hockey, soccer, football, rugby, martial arts, lacrosse, boxing, basketball, baseball, BMX, skateboarding, skiing and snowboarding… ALL high risk sports! Protect your mouth. See a dental hygienist to get a custom fitted sports mouthguard and wear it at all games and practices.

A cost effective investment in protection. The estimated cost to treat a lost front tooth over a lifetime can range from $5,000-$10,000. The average cost of a custom fitted sports mouthguard can be as low as $100 or less. The cost of hockey skates and other sports equipment can far exceed that.

via CDHA | Sports Mouthguards.